
Healing for a Birth Mother

  Journal entry 12-22-2021 This past week I responded to a post from a mother looking for her son. I don’t know what drew me to this particular post, because I see so many that I can’t respond to because of time restraints. I sometimes feel like I am able to detect when there is a great need for healing and a story to be told but in truth, all stories need telling and I am here to help create the ending. In 1986 a 14-year-old girl gets pregnant. She is trying to decide whether or not to keep the baby and makes a list of the pros and cons. The only pro for keeping the baby is for her emotional needs. Knowing she is unable to provide for the other needs and with the support of her own family, she decided what was best for the baby. She put the list in a box. The pregnancy advances and the girl has seen advertisements for a fancy place in texas that will provide all the needs for her son. The Gladney Home or Edna Gladney. She enrolls and places the advertisement in the box. Upon her arri

The Prettiest eyes in Alabama

  Journal entry 9/20/2021 Every now and then I get a case that changes my thinking and puts me right in track with the divine intervention and the God of my youth. With so many political posts and division on my timeline I often find myself jaded by meme's and posts of people needing help, disengaging from clients. I try to stay in the middle and post very little about beliefs and what I consider values and post more of my cute little grandchild and all her many faces. This is one of those moments when I cannot deny God's hand in a situation. I responded to a post on a message board from a young man looking for his biological family. He knew nothing except his mother was very young. He was convinced that "when you find her I know she is going to have the bluest eyes I have ever seen, because my son has them." Usually an adoptee has ideas on what they think their parent will look like. They are usually correct! This adoption was handled in a closed state and the

July Ponderings

  Journal entry 7-19-2021 Hey there, That weight your carrying is going to cost you. It seems like a small sacrifice in your mind because of your giving character and willingness to help so you will continue for a time yet. You will quietly continue to drag the load on until it gets too heavy and you have to stop. Where you stop you begin to unload on people that happen to be in your path. These people aren’t in any way responsible for that weight. It could be your children, your spouse, coworkers.. They will either dodge the weight or they will suffer the effects of being in your path (whether they deserved it or not.) I know you, I am you. You will continue on because you are strong and you believe you are right. You recognize that this isn't something you deserve or earned but the weight gives you a reason to hurt and you feel like pain is something you are allowed to feel. Pain has been present in your life and may have been the only thing that was dependable. Pain, always pres

Journal Entry

  Journal entry 9/20/2021 Every now and then I get a case that changes my thinking and puts me right in track with the divine intervention and the God of my youth. With so many political posts and division on my timeline I often find myself jaded by meme's and posts of people needing help, disengaging from clients. I try to stay in the middle and post very little about beliefs and what I consider values and post more of my cute little grandchild and all her many faces. This is one of those moments when I cannot deny God's hand in a situation. I responded to a post on a message board from a young man looking for his biological family. He knew nothing except his mother was very young. He was convinced that "when you find her I know she is going to have the bluest eyes I have ever seen, because my son has them." Usually an adoptee has ideas on what they think their parent will look like. They are usually correct! This adoption was handled in a closed state and the

For Lacey

  Journal Entry: For Lacey: She was born a dreamer. She grew up in environments that were not necessarily safe or good for her and that created the dreams. The dreams in her head were her friends. They allowed her a respite from the ugliness. She was signed over as an adoptee by both parents and I like to think they knew what was best for her. Did they know they weren’t in any position to care for a child? Maybe they weren’t in love with each other and knew a family wasn’t an option. Maybe they saw her and knew she deserved better. Regardless of their reasons she ended up placed in a foster home. The girl grew up surrounded life's harsh realities and her soul was unable to be crushed. When I was contacted by her I immediately saw the dreamer. She explained her case, leaving out the ugliness. I don’t get to see that part of her past until she can trust me. We became fast friends. I love her as my own family. I take my time and slowly unravel the details of her DNA. It is a very di

Why are you a search angel?

 Why do you do this? This is something most every single client has asked me. I had to begin by asking myself the same question. I did some soul searching and pondered this important question throughout many cases, before coming up with some reasons.  One of the obvious reasons is because I love genealogy. I have been studying family trees for over 20 years. In my discoveries I have found some secrets and also found out a lot of family legends are untrue. If I hear one more person tell me their "great grandma was a Cherokee Indian..." I started out making tree's for family and friends and branched out. I also have very strong roots to family and friends. I am one of those people who have the same friends from high school and elementary school. I never had to move around as a child. I have lived within 3 miles of my childhood home my entire life.  I have always had adopted family, a good bit of my kids friends called me mom or aunt heather.  I try to help anyone if I can.

The work of a Search Angel

The work of a Search Angel It's 5 a.m. and I finally roll over and look at the time on my phone. My eyes water and I can't stop yawning. My email icon is lit up. This is how I start most of my days.  I know that I am needed and as soon as my brain waves start functioning correctly I begin my search. I have 2 cases I'm working on today. I will match DNA with tree's and compare the centimorgans to evaluate possible living relatives. If the client is searching for birth parents and has done a DNA test I have all the puzzle pieces. I now begin to start piecing the puzzle together.    A new case! This is how it begins. She goes into her history a bit, who she believes she is and where she is from. She says she was "baby herron" at the hospital. She has done a DNA test through ancestry invites me to look at her results. She has matches as close as first cousin. I think this will be an easy case and sigh with relief. The last of my cases have taken me a couple of mon